“Geography is, to my mind, a subject of high educational value; though not because it affords the means of scientific training. Geography does present its problems, and these of the most interesting, and does afford materials for classification; but it is physical geography only which falls within the definition of a science, and even that is rather a compendium of the results of several sciences than a science itself. But the peculiar value of geography lies in its fitness to nourish the mind with ideas, and to furnish the imagination with pictures. Herein lies the educational value of geography.”
Home Education pg. 271-272
“Give him…intimate knowledge, with the fullest details, of any country or region of the world, any county or district of his own country. It is not necessary that he should learn at this stage what is called the ‘geography’ of the countries of Europe, the continents of the world–mere strings of names for the most part: he may learn these, but it is tolerably certain that he will not remember them. But let him be at home in any single region; let him see, with the mind’s eye, the people at their work and at their play, the flowers and fruits in their seasons, the beasts each in its habitat; and let him see all sympathetically, that is let him follow the adventures of a traveler; and he knows more, is better furnished with ideas, than if he had learnt all the names on all the maps.”
Home Education pg. 274-275
A few other things Charlotte had to say on the subject:
Ideas for Physical Geography Studies in Younger Children (0 & up):
- Study the areas closest to your home: ie. Your backyard, your street, your block, your city, your county, your state, neighboring states, your country, neighboring countries, etc.
- Draw out maps, draw defining markers & landmarks etc.
- Study the Nature in your area; in it's season, animals in their habitats (the habitats your area has),
- Study defining landmarks; hills, bodies of water, valleys, mountains, etc.
- Observe Natural Seasons: ie. The moon (using a phenology wheel), Keep a Nature Journal, a Journal of Firsts, Take daily nature walks & point out seasonal attributes (winter birds, blooms emerging, etc).
- Use a compass: Study North, South, East, West. Mark them on your maps in the correct locations. Bury treasure in your back yard, draw a map & let your kids try to find it using landmarks and/or the compass.
- Make a binder of all of your local hiking trails & national parks etc; Work on walking/hiking each one using their pdf printable maps available on their websites or the ones printed available in their ranger stations.
- Visit areas around your home and mark them on a printed out map of your area; draw a trail using a highlighter from Point A to Point B. Let your child map out a trip using a map and follow their written directions, let them point them follow along on the map or tell you which turn/direction to go next.
- Study the Night sky; learn the constellations in your region, map them out & learn their names. Go out every evening and find the ones they know, write them in your nature journal.
A Few Resources to Help:
- Geography Public Domain Books
- Episode 18: Geography (2.0) by A Delectable Education Podcast, + links & pdf files
- Episode 146: Physical Geography by A Delectable Education Podcast, + links & pdf files
- Episode 151: Mapping by A Delectable Education Podcast, + links & pdf files
- Episode 131: Scouting by A Delectable Education Podcast, + links & pdf files
- The Uses of Books in Geography, The Parents' Review Article by Ambleside Online
- The Book of Centuries, The Parents' Review Article by Ambleside Online
- Nature Study by The Parents' Review, Charlotte Mason Poetry
- Scouting, The Parents' Review Pamphlet, by Charlotte Mason Institute
- Physical Geography For Elementary Students by Sabbath Mood Homeschool Blog
- Out-of-Door Geography by Richele Baburina @ Charlotte Mason Poetry
A Few Activity Resources We Recommend:
- Phenology Wheels by Raising Little Shoots, + Nature Study Curriculum, etc.
- How to Draw a Phenology Wheel by Uta W, YouTube Video Tutorial
- Studying the Night Sky by Chickie and Roo
- Printable Star Charts by Kids Love to Know
- Teach Kids How to Use a Compass by Sciencing
- Map Skills for Elementary Students by National Geographic, by grade
- National Parks Website, search for a National Park near you
- Map Drawing Prompt by Picklebums, fun activity printable
- Printable Grid Paper, free
- Printable Maps, by National Map.Gov, free
- World Map: Geography Activities for Kids by A Little Pinch of Perfect
If you know of anymore Geography Resources that could happily supplement a Charlotte Mason Education feel free to comment below or message me with it!
[I am constantly adding more resources, this entire endeavor is a work in progress. Be patient and check back often! Thanks!]
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