List of Attainments: 6 & 12

It occurred to me just today that I had printed these list of attainments Charlotte Mason wrote about in her own curriculum and also in School Education Volume 3 of her series, but had not taken them out since starting my 2nd student (my 7 year old daughter). And as one of them is a list that a child is supposed to learn at the end of their school year at age 6, I feel a bit behind. Not that there really is such a thing as behind as a homeschooler.

So, as I look into building my own curriculum I felt it was important to start delving a bit deeper into the meaning behind some of these attainments and gathering some specifics. It is open to a bit of interpretation, I'm sure, but I always think a pretty printable with the information on it helps me.

Feel free to use these as you need them, and print them out & use them to help give you a little guidance in your child's education experience. I'm going to use them as a bumper -- like when you bowl with bumpers -- to guide me into the pins. And also, definitely as a goal.

Click on it to download the PDF

I'm no Charlotte Mason expert so I've definitely been asking questions in the communities I'm apart of for direction on how best to use this list without getting into overwhelm mode. Especially on the To recite, perfectly and beautifully, a parable & psalm. Because I am not sure I know a parable short enough that my daughter's attention span would lend to reciting perfectly and beautifully, even after a year of practice. Ideas? I'm open to them!

Click on it to download the PDF
As far as the list for 12 year olds, my son has quite a bit of work ahead of him in the next year. Ha! 

Let me know if these were helpful to you.

God bless!


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